Brent is hard to get a picture of, but Kaylee will always smile for the camera.
Or make silly faces
Kaylee, Brent and Mazee dressing up. Kaylee's glasses are upside down. That's typical of her when she dresses herself. Things are ususally out of place.
Garrett is changing everyday. I couldn't get him to smile here, but usual he is always smiling. He has been such a fun baby to have. Very easy going and patient.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Brent on his first day of preschool. He was so excited to wear his backpack and meet his teacher. He walked right and in to his class, smiled and waved goodby. He really loves going. He learned to criss-cross applesauce and he repeats this throughout the day when he gets home.
Garrett at the pool
Kaylee loves swimming.
Everyone wanted to hold Garrett
Fin and Feather Trip
Kaylee and Drew sat in the bike trailer one early morning ready for someone to take them, so I took their picture.
Drew pulled all the kids behind his bike
Kaylee and Mazee loved to ride with Uncle Steve
Sunday, August 3, 2008
These pictures are of Kaylee around Garrett's age.
The top picture is of Brent Aug 2005. I think the boys resemble eac h other, although it might be hard to tell from the picture.Garrett and Brent
This is a picture of Garrett after his Blessing. His 3 to 6 month clothes are getting small. He is really growing fast. He was in the 90% for height and 75 % for weight.
Kaylee, Garrett, and Brent all hanging out on Grammies couch.
Brent closes his eyes in most pictures just like his dad