Thursday, March 18, 2010

It is 3;30 in the morning. For some weird reason the youngest 2 have been up and down for the last two hours, instead of feeling frustrated that I wasn't sleeping I decided to catch up on posting some pictures. Brent loves to build with Lincoln Logs. Most of the time a sibling knocks it down, but he is very patient.

Kaylee loves to be helpful. She loves to pour milk for Garrett, wash the dishes, help me cook and wipes off the table and counters for me. She is on her best behavior when she is busy.
I started thinking that I should document some of the things that my kids are doing right now so that Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles could get to know them better.
Kaylee and I are excited for Spring. She likes to help me water our plants. We hope they survive Garrett so we can transplant them outside.

Brent is really into OSU. One of his friends at school is really into it so he likes it as well. He loves wearing the colors and the shirts that support OSU

Garrett loves to have Chocolate Milk in the Morning. He doesn't love regular milk so chocolate works fine. Who wouldn't love that in the morning.
Kaylee loves to play with her dolls. She has two friends Merra and Kerra. They come to dinner with us, they play with her, they wake her up at night, sometimes they are 4 years old and sometimes they are her babies. It is very cute.

Garrett feels very big when I let him play on the IPOD. He loves pressing the buttons.

1 comment:

Adam Green said...

I love the updates. You're pretty amazing to take a sleepless night in stride!